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Spielmasons Meeting Greetings from SlugFest Games

I'll be by to introduce you guys to our company and provide a ton of feedback. I also hope to get in a few rounds our stuff that is currently in playtesting. I'm looking forward to meeting you all soon!

Sat, 2014-10-18 22:07
Splendor This game was great!

I'm not always the fastest learner when it comes to board games, but I picked up on this one my second time through. It's really fun once you get the hang of it.

Fri, 2014-10-17 21:39
Munchkin Cthulhu Reserving a Seat

I would like to learn about Munckin Cthulhu please! :)

Fri, 2014-10-17 08:55
Mall of Horror 3 seats saved

I've received an in-person request to save 3 seats for this demo, so I'm making note of that here. There's still room for a couple more people, though!

Tue, 2014-10-14 01:56
Agricola Agricola

Simply the best. plays well with 4,3,5 and even 2 players! Deep thinking, fun theme . Love the occupation and minor improvement cards. Any game where you can play a cards like Perpetual Student (seen with a drinking horn in had) the lay about, or use the back door to get family growth is keeping up the fun factor even while offering a very satisfying thinking mans game. Given even short notice I, and my wife as well will find a way to play.

contact me at

Sun, 2014-10-12 22:59
Gears of War Commendations all around

The Coalition of Organized Goverments (COG) would like to recognize the meritorious service of Jim, Zach, David, and Perry in successfully eliminating the Locust threat. Particular credit to Cole Train (Zach) for his self-sacrificing plan to close the emergence hole, and Dom (David) for taking out the last of the scourge after all his team mates had started bleeding out.

Sun, 2014-10-12 22:43
Mage Knight Thanks for your patience

I'd like to thank Zach, Quentin, Lance, and Killian (sorry for any misspellings) for dedicating the time to learn this game. Unfortunately, we fell victim to the worst enemy in Mage Knight, time. I still think we covered almost everything there is in the game, except for final scoring, and cooperative city assaults, thanks to Killian single-handedly sacking the peace-loving Blue City.

I originally planned to run two separate games if four or more people showed up, but changed my mind at the last minute, which I regret now. If I would have stuck to my guns, both games probably would have been able to finish in a reasonable amount of time. I hope everyone still enjoyed learning, and didn't feel the game dragged on too much. That was the first time I'd tried a four-player game, and will probably be my last.

Sun, 2014-10-12 22:35
Last Night on Earth: Timber Peak Save a Seat for Me

Looking forward to trying this game!

Sun, 2014-10-12 17:25
Gears of War Save Me a Seat

I'd like to give this a try!

Sat, 2014-10-11 22:38
Dark Darker Darkest Another challenging co-op

There's a lot to like about this game. I thought the Survivor and Multitracker boards and their related mechanics were especially well thought-out and implemented. The game does a good job of pacing and escalation, always making you feel like you're just scrapping by. This is a great thematic co-op, with plenty of difficulty (and that's just on dark - good luck trying darker or darkest difficulty), but doesn't do enough differently to really set itself apart from the plethora of other challenging co-ops out there.

My biggest complaint unique to this game would be it's strange and theme-breaking set collection mechanic. Without going into too much detail, you need to collect certain colored icons to progress in the game, which you get from searching for random items. I just feel there should have been a way to implement that challenge more thematically rather than making me feel like I was playing Ticket to Ride in the middle of a zombie survival game. Other complaints could be shared with many other games - I don't like dice much and nearly everything in this game is decided by over simplified die rolls, the game seems poorly balanced for different player counts (4-5 is recommended), plus the Alpha gamer problem plagues this game, too, along with nearly all other co-ops without hidden information.

Thu, 2014-10-09 18:31