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Shadows of Brimstone Its wise to reserve a seat for this demo...

When I've hosted SoB demo's in the past I usually get a full table. I recommend reserving your seat as I can only take 5 players.

Tue, 2016-04-12 20:35
Invasion from Outer Space: The Martian Game A giant love letter to the 1950's Sci-Fi/Alien Invasion films!

IFOS is one of the best thematic board games I know! It's just complex enough to be interesting and create the vibe the game was going for while being accessible enough for anyone to learn to play. It runs on the same game engine at "Last Night on Earth"; so much that you can add LNOE zombies and heroes to this game! Seriously, there are rules for doing so!

I give IFOS 5 out of 5 stars not for rules or depth, but for its success in making an alien invasion game that's fun and easy enough to play while successfully and outright oozing with the thematic vibe it wanted to create.

Wed, 2016-02-24 19:22
Last Night on Earth: The Zombie Game My personal favorite zombie themed game!

This game is one giant love note to all the B-movie zombie films from the 80's and 90's. Thematically and rules wise its one of the best games I've ever played much less zombie game (and I've played about all of them. Its fun to play, it plays fast, its fast and easy to learn, and its easy to play.
While it plays up to 6 players, I consider 5 to be the sweet spot as that makes for one zombie player and 4 other each playing a hero. The heroes characters are all the stereotypes you could ask for in a B-movie film, and the zombies are as gross and undead as can be. Even the scenario cards are made to feel like a horror movie. LOVE THIS GAME!
Its worth noting that like all other Flying Frog Games, this game comes with a soundtrack full of 80's styled synthesized music, zombie moans and sound effects. It exactly as awful and as glorious it sounds.

Tue, 2015-09-22 23:05
Dark Gothic A solid deck builder based on the "A Touch of Evil" board game

I gave this game a 4 out of 5 due to its "standard" complexity. As is its a good solid card game and the addition of using a die at times makes this card drafter interesting. However, if you play this with the new "Colonial Horror" expansion added in it's easily a 4.5 or a 5!

Fri, 2015-09-18 17:40
Touch of Evil: The Supernatural Game One of my absolute favorites board games!

I am a huge fan of anything that comes from Flying Frog Productions, and "A Touch of Evil" is my favorite of the FFP lot!

The thematic feel, the mystery, the colonial era horror story angle, the attention to detail in the miniatures and artwork and wording, the use of real photography... all of it sings to me!

The easiest way to describe the game play would be to call it "Arkham Horror Lite"; it's got depth, but it doesn't bog down the game play or take near as much time to play as a game of Arkham Horror does.

Mix all these game elements with such a great vibe and setting in a witch's brew and you've got pure board game magic... with just a touch of evil to round it out.

Wed, 2015-07-29 10:51
Shadows of Brimstone: City of the Ancients James, you've got a seat waiting for you!


Sat, 2015-03-21 18:06
Shadows of Brimstone: City of the Ancients Its smart to reserve for this game if interested

This game only seats up to four players, and since its a brand new game I'm taking reservations for it.

Tue, 2015-03-10 12:35
Fortune and Glory WILL DO!

This game is filling up fast; that's five reserved seats so far! But this game plays up to 8 so there's room for more! :)

Thu, 2014-12-04 16:30
Fortune and Glory Two free promo cards!

The info above reads one card, but its actually two! That's twice as many! :)

Thu, 2014-12-04 16:29
Last Night on Earth: Timber Peak Reserving a seat!

"Last Night on Earth" is one of my favorite games, but I've not had the chance to play "Timber Peak" as of yet, so this will be good! Save me a seat Mr. Taylor!

Tue, 2014-10-07 10:57