Brief Overview
Spielmasons are a collective of board gaming enthusiasts that play and test games developed by Omaha-area designers. Spielmasons meetings and sessions are open to the public with the only requirement being an interest in testing unpublished games. Spielmasons’ strive to provide honest and meaningful feedback to designers in order to facilitate the shortest path to improvement. In addition to weekly meetings and sessions, Spielmasons host design challenges and design jams as well as being a resource to Spielbound in the areas of design and education.
- Promote analog gaming in the Omaha area
- Be a trusted resource for Omaha area designers
- Be an avenue for unpublished games through provision of publishing insight
- Create a network of game designers and artists
- To give advice and ideas to make games even better
- Development of a ‘Spielmasons Tested’ and ‘Spielmasons Approved’ criteria
Honors, Awards, Signings, and Publications

Marcus Ross / Cara Heacock
Awards:- 2018 HABA game design contest - 5th Place (Sir Lee & the Party Animals) (w/Scott O’Dell)
- 2017 HABA game design contest - 1st Place (Color Spiel)
- 2016 Geekway design contest - 1st Place (BEEEEES!)
- 2013 Tabletop Deathmatch - 1st Place (Discount Salmon)
- 2013 Tabletop Deathmatch - 1st Place (Discount Salmon)
- BEEEEES! (Action Phase Games)
- Letter Go! (Wizkids)
Floyd Pretz
Awards:- 2017 Geekway design contest - 1st Place (Dishonor)
Bryce Journey
Awards: Signings:- Return of the Gods [tentative title](Grey Fox Games)
Craig Schwenke
Awards:- 2018 Geekway design contest - Finalist (Blind Mice)
Neil Opitz
Published Games: A typical Meeple Jam