

If games have been around since there were people to invent them; if board games are as ancient as chess, and word games are as ancient as language, is there anything new in SKYSKRAPER? Only that you've never seen a board like the the KWIXOTE TOWER map, and you've never matched words with a character like K.W. MERRYMONEY III.

For an imaginative entertainment adventure come out to the TOWER. Cloud Castle PENTHOUSE is the goal; arriving there first, the object of the game. Catch the elevator and race your opponents to the top, but don't expect a speedy, non-stop ride. These elevators are unique--unmoving until you crack the scrambled word codes that drive them.

And there are overridding Control KARDS; some direst Keycard operations, others send you where you didn't expect to go. Anticipate excursions to various TOWER sites. You will be challenged and tested, yet the luck of the draw may be all you need.

This is basically an unscramble-the-word game where score is kept on the board. The board depicts a skyscraper where players start at the ground floor and try to be the first to reach the penthouse. They do this with elevators, which are paths along the diagonals of the board. Advancement toward the penthouse occurs when words are successfully unscrambled. Players may be hindered, however, by having to take other paths around the skyscraper. And advancement may be helped or hindered by action cards obtained on various spaces around the board.

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Playing Time: 
90 Minutes