
Planet B

At some point in the not-so-distant future, we humans had to look for a new place to live. Just when we thought we'd have to settle for Mars, we suddenly discovered a new planet, one we lovingly christened "Planet B". It was a second chance for humanity, and of course we were determined to do everything right this time because as everyone knows, we humans learn very well from our mistakes...

In Planet B, you slip into the role of corrupt governors. You make crooked deals with corporations to advance your own interests. You build your city, let the population work for you, rise in the favor of political factions, or control the news. Of course, all of this comes at a price — and by the time you're vying for the presidency, you'll want potential voters to be on your side. In the end, as always, only one thing counts: Who has managed to pocket the most government money?


Irgendwann in einer nicht mehr so weit entfernten Zukunft, mussten wir Menschen uns ein neuen Lebensraum suchen. Gerade als wir dachten, uns mit dem Mars zufrieden geben zu müssen, entdeckten wir plötzlich einen neuen Planeten - wir tauften ihn liebevoll Planet B.

Dort sollten wir also eine zweite Chance bekommen. Und natürlich hatten wir fest vor, diesmal alles richtig zu machen. Denn wie jeder weiß, lernen wir Menschen sehr gut aus unseren Fehlern...

In Planet B schlüpft ihr in die Rolle korrupter Gouverneurinnen. Ihr schließt krumme Deals mit Konzernen ab, um eure eigenen Interessen durchzusetzen. Ihr baut eure Stadt auf und lasst die Bevölkerung für euch arbeiten, steigt in der Gunst politischer Fraktionen auf oder kontrolliert die Nachrichten.

Natürlich hat das alles seinen Preis - spätestens, wenn ihr um die Präsidentschaft wetteifert, wollt ihr eure potenziellen Wähler auf eurer Seite wissen. Am Ende zählt wie immer nur eins: wer hat es geschafft, die meisten Staatsgelder in die eigene Tasche zu stecken?

—description from the publisher

A War of Whispers

A War of Whispers is a competitive board game for 2 to 4 players. Five mighty empires are at war for the world, but you are no mighty ruler. Instead, you play a secret society that is betting on the results of this war while pulling strings to rig the results and ensure their bets pay off. A War of Whispers is a game of deep strategy, hidden agendas, and shifting loyalties.

You start the game with five loyalty tokens, each corresponding to one of the five different empires, bet randomly on a loyalty value. Your primary goal is to ensure that when the game ends, the empires you are most loyal to control the most cities across the globe. Gameplay consists of turns broken down into four phases:

Deploy agents phase: In player order (starting with the first player and proceeding clockwise), each player removes, then deploys agents to empire councils, the positions on the board marked Sheriff, Steward, Marshall, and Chancellor.
Empire turns phase: Each council position on each empire council will take an action. If a player has acquired cards, they may play them during this phase.
Cleanup phase: Add the turn marker to the next space on the turn tracker, then each player discards down to the hand limit of five cards.
Swap phase: In player order, each player may swap two of their unrevealed loyalty tokens. If you choose to do so, you must reveal both of the swapped loyalty tokens. They remain revealed for the rest of the game.

Gameplay repeats itself in this order four times. When the last space on the turn track is filled, the game ends immediately and scoring commences. The player with the most points based off their empire loyalties and the cities they control wins.

Oriflamme: Ablaze

In Oriflamme and Oriflamme Embrasement, the players find themselves in the middle of a medieval feud over the French royal crown. The King is dead! Long live the King! As heads of influential families, the players strive to come to power with cunning and malice, power and strength, virtue and infamy. Their goal: the king's throne!

In the tactical card game, hidden cards are played in turn. By tactically uncovering and activating their effects, players can outdo or get them out of the way, because all players have the same goal in mind — to collect the most influence points for their family and thus win the game.

In Oriflamme Embrasement (second installment of the award winning game Oriflamme), the incendiary war threatens to bring the kingdom to the ground. But nothing will stop your house to conquer the throne by putting forward every inch of your famous lust for power and vengeance.

Oriflamme Embrasement offers 11 new action cards that can be mixed with Oriflamme or be used as a standalone.

—description from the publisher (translated)

Pax Pamir (Second Edition)

In Pax Pamir, players assume the role of nineteenth century Afghan leaders attempting to forge a new state after the collapse of the Durrani Empire. Western histories often call this period "The Great Game" because of the role played by the Europeans who attempted to use central Asia as a theater for their own rivalries. In this game, those empires are viewed strictly from the perspective of the Afghans who sought to manipulate the interloping ferengi (foreigners) for their own purposes.

In terms of game play, Pax Pamir is a pretty straightforward tableau builder. Players spend most of their turns purchasing cards from a central market, then playing those cards in front of them in a single row called a court. Playing cards adds units to the game's map and grants access to additional actions that can be taken to disrupt other players and influence the course of the game. That last point is worth emphasizing. Though everyone is building their own row of cards, the game offers many ways for players to interfere with each other directly and indirectly.

To survive, players will organize into coalitions. Throughout the game, the dominance of the different coalitions will be evaluated by the players when a special card, called a "Dominance Check", is resolved. If a single coalition has a commanding lead during one of these checks, those players loyal to that coalition will receive victory points based on their influence in their coalition. However, if Afghanistan remains fragmented during one of these checks, players instead will receive victory points based on their personal power base.

After each Dominance Check, victory is checked and the game will be partially reset, offering players a fresh attempt to realize their ambitions. The game ends when a single player is able to achieve a lead of four or more victory points or after the fourth and final Dominance Check is resolved.


In Oriflamme, the players find themselves in the middle of a medieval feud over the French royal crown. The King is dead! Long live the King! As heads of influential families, the players strive to come to power with cunning and malice, power and strength, virtue and infamy. Their goal: the king's throne!

In the tactical card game, hidden cards are played in turn. By tactically uncovering and activating their effects, players can outdo or get them out of the way, because all players have the same goal in mind — to collect the most influence points for their family and thus win the game.