
Trekking the World: Second Edition

Trekking the World 2nd Edition is a light strategy game where you race to the world’s most fascinating places, draft itineraries, collect souvenirs, and gain powers that combo.

The 2nd edition is a complete mechanical overhaul based on analysis of thousands of online comments about 1st Edition, and our evolving design principles.

We’ve tried to create a game hobbyists AND their families will like. A tough design challenge.

Who It’s For:

Hobbyists who want to entice non-gamer friends and family into playing
Hobbyists who like rules-light games with some hidden strategy
Folks getting into the hobby for the first time
Folks looking for a gift (it feels premium)
Folks who want to turn their 10-and-up kids onto strategy games
Folks who want to learn about cool places in the world, or want their kids to

Who It’s Not For:

Folks who adore 1st Edition (why risk regression to the mean?)
Folks for whom the blocking in 1st Edition is essential - we replaced it with other interactions (but it's easy to house-rule it back in).
Hobbyists who dislike rules-simple games regardless of strategic qualities

—description from the publisher


Welcome to Floresta, a competitive board game set in central Portugal. Immerse yourself in the captivating realm of forest management, where players strive to achieve the best use of the Mediterranean forest while battling recurring wildfires. Plant trees, score points in different locations, promote tourism, nurture local trees, harvest wood, and bring the lynx back to its habitat. Construct watchtowers to control fires, strategically planting trees near them. With every decision shaping the fate of the forest, will you rise above the competition and emerge as the ultimate guardian of this precious ecosystem?

Floresta is played on several game boards, each depicting mountains, forests, or paths through nature. Each turn, players choose a card from their hand and apply its effect by placing a tree on one of the boards. They must strategically plant trees to create a sustainable ecosystem, while also taking steps to prevent and fight forest fires.

—description from the publisher

Wild Duo

Wild Duo is a game collection that includes 5 games for 2 players. You can play these games with two players or in larger groups (4/6/8/10), in which case the games are rotated between the groups of two. There is definitely enough variety, as each of the games is a unique gaming experience.

The games are perfectly playable for both children and adult players, as the gaming experience depends entirely on your, respectively, your fellow player's skills. That's why some games can be decided after only 5 minutes, while others last 30 minutes.

Each of the games deals with a different animal species or a specific behavior of this animal species and thus takes the players on a journey into one of 5 worlds. Each of the five rule explanations therefore always includes an exciting, thematic text on the corresponding animal species.

—description from the publisher


How about creating your own botanical garden? As an aristocrat in the late 19th century, you have bought land, hired a gardener and set out to find the best plants there are.
As you know, the visitors are very picky about the plants they want to see, so your job is not only to acquire the plants, but also to sort them according to the visitors' preferences.
In Botanicus, you compete for the best action-spots in a unique selection mechanism, and then make the most of the options available to you. You have to collect new plants, take care of them, water them and keep an eye on the gardener. Last but not least, you have to collect some money along the way to pay for all this.
In the end, what counts is how many visitors you satisfy and how beautiful your garden is. Will you be able to outdo the gardens of your competitors?

—description from the publisher (translated)

Wie wäre es eigentlich, einen eigenen botanischen Garten anzulegen? Als Artistokrat:in des späten
19. Jahrhunderts hast du Land gekauft, heuerst einen Gärtner an und machst dich auf, die schönsten Pflanzen überhaupt zu finden. Allerdings haben die Besucher ganz spezielle Vorstellungen, welche Pflanzen sie in deinem Garten bewundern wollen. Es reicht also nicht, sie irgendwie einzupflanzen – nein, du musst die Pflanzen dummerweise auch noch so aufstellen, dass die passenden Besucher das sehen, was sie wollen.
In Botancius konkurrierst du über einen neuen Aktions-Mechanismus mit deinen Mitspieler:innen um den besten Ertrag für deinen Garten. Du willst also die richtigen Pflanzen ergattern und diese zum richtigen Zeitpunkt gießen, dich um deinen Gärtner kümmern, und natürlich darfst du auch deine Finanzen nicht vernachlässigen!
Am Ende kommt es darauf an, wie viele der Schaulustigen zufrieden mit ihrem Besuch sind und wie schön euer Garten ist. Schaffst du es, die Gärten deiner Konkurrent*innen zu überschatten?

—description from the publisher

Endeavor: Deep Sea

Plunge into the modern era, where our planet's vast interconnected ocean scape is one of the last frontiers to discover and explore. Experience a deep new ever-changing adventure in this followup to the smash hit Endeavor: Age of Sail!

In Endeavor: Deep Sea, you head an independent research institute with the goal of developing sustainable projects and preserving the fragile balance of marine life. Throughout the game, you’ll recruit field experts and use their abilities to explore new locations, research dive sites, publish critical ecological papers, and launch conservation efforts.

Expand your expertise, develop your team, and learn as much as possible about the sea. The action your institute takes now, could mean a healthy ocean and a sustainable future for the planet.

Endeavor: Deep Sea is designed by Jarratt Gray and Carl de Visser, the same creative team behind the smash hit Endeavor: Age of Sail. This edition is set in a new era of nautical discovery, but uses streamlined rules which will be familiar to fans of the original game.

—description from the publisher