
Meet Our New Communications Intern!

Nate Kramer

Nate Kramer comes to Spielbound via the internet; a place strewn with board games from every age, country, and classification. Fortunately, as our new Communications Intern, Nate will be dealing with board games he can actually touch, feel and sometimes taste. Nate will be informing the masses (you) of weekly happenings about and often at Spielbound as it opens in the early summer of 2014.

Communications Intern position

As we get ready to launch our online campaign and make several new announcements and projects, we at Spielbound are looking for a new addition to our group to help us make this successful. Spielbound is now accepting applications for a Communications Intern for 2014.
See this pdf document for details. As always, we accept volunteer help on a regular basis. Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Cecily, for more details (cecily at spielbound dot org).