Party Game

Yamodo Party Time

Yamodo Party Time is the award-winning game of made-up words that will keep everyone laughing. Played in quick rounds, players scramble to create their “best” definition to a made-up word and theme with the hope of being picked by the judge. Be creative, be quick, but when time runs out, the Spindoodler is spun, and the consequences (like having to pass your card) only add to the fun. Write a funny definition, add a quick doodle, and feel free to lobby the judge on why your definition is best. Every round has a new judge, word and theme, so you never know what your mind will draw out!


Crap or Slap! What Would You Do?

Crap or Slap! What Would You Do? tests each person's ability to tolerate the strange, the frightening or the annoying. How would you react if... "You wake up in the middle of the night and find a giant tarantula crawling on your bed" or "A vampire starts to sparkle"? The game comes with 250 cards, both containing a situation and a reaction. Active player picks a situation (or a reaction in round 2) and you try to figure out how that person would react (or which situation would prompt that reaction in round 2).

Jenga Max

Jenga Max is a dexterity game similar to but different from Jenga. Players take turns attaching plastic pieces to the top of a tower. There are different ways of attaching pieces together, and if an added piece disturbs the balance of the tower, it will fall down and the player loses. The winner is the last play who successfully placed a playing piece.


"The Game of Scattergories," published in 1988 by Milton Bradley, is a great game for any group to play. In the game each player fills out a category list 'with answers that begin with the same letter.' If no other player matches your answers, you score points. The game is played in rounds. After 3 rounds a winner is declared, and a new game can be begun.

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